Libera banner at St.John's, Bundang. (Courtesy of Libera Korea)
After 3 years absence of tour, Libera has made their comeback for two concerts to one of their biggest fan base, South Korea. I imagine, it would be pretty 'wild' there. And actually yes, it WAS crazy wild in South Korea. Lol. Both of venues in Bundang and Seoul were packed with enthusiastic people (look at the pics below). We can see Libera got so much loves there.

The audience at St. John's, Bundang. (Courtesy of Patrick)

Before the concert in Sejong Center. Look at the posters on the pillars. Can I have one? Lol.
(Courtesy of Patrick)
Alessandro Mackinnon-Botti, Anthony Blake,
Anthony Kerr-Munley, Ben Fairman, Berti Smart, Carlos
Rodriguez-Villegas, Jude Collins, Kuba Niedermaier-Reed, Kavana
Crossley, Lucas Wood, Luke Collins, Marc Alvares, Cassius
O'Connel-White, Ciaran Bradbury-Hickey, Dylan Duffy, Eoghan McCarthy,
Henry Barrington, Isaac London, Matthew Jansen, Matthew Madine, Matthew
Rangel-Alvares, Michael Menesez, Michael Ustynovych-Repa, Oscar McFall,
Samuel Wiggin, Thomas Delgado-Little.
Song List
1. Dies Irae
2. Gloria
3. Song of Life
4. Voca Me
5. Sanctus
6. I Vow to Thee, My Country
7. Salva Me
8. Eternal Light
9. How Shall I Sing That Majesty
- Interval -
- Interval -
10. Orinoco Flow
11. Far Away
12. The Fountain
13. Grateful Heart
14. Ave Verum
15. How Can I Keep From Singing?
16. Stay With Me
17. Glory to Thee
18. ExsultateEncore:
The Moon Represents My Heart
Danny Boy (listen to it here - NOT Libera version)
Still the same member as Taiwan Tour and also the same programme. BUT, in the second concert (Seoul concert), Libera has suprised the audience with one extra encore, Danny Boy, sung by Isaac. Here is a brief review of Danny Boy moment beautifully written by Patrick.
"Another highlight of tonight concert was for sure the "Danny Boy" sung by Isaac.
You have to imagine the deepest and largest possible stage. The boys are set in an big wide arc, we are during the encore, just after "The Moon". The light is just doing down for the boys to move for the "Libera" encore, but not tonight.
Tonight we saw a small silhouette quitting the arc and walk forward right to the central microphones, passed it, and walked till the edge of the stage. There was a white light locate right above him illuminated Isaac.
All the others remained in the arc, in the dark, several meters behind.
Total silence in the hall. 2500 persons were staring right to this 10 years old boy standing on the edge of the stage, hands clasped behind his back.
And then Isaac started to sing, by himself. No Robert to guide, no other singers around him, no noting. Just a little boy in the light in front of a crowd of 2500 persons.
Isaac sung "Danny Boy" a capella, all along the song, no music, no instruments, no chorus from the others.
Everyone in the public was stunned, so surprising, so cute, so moving....
Quickly my neighbour started to cry and I too got my eyes wet.
At the end of the song the public burst into very long yells, clapping, enthusiastic shouts !"
Can you feel the emotion and atmosphere at the time just by reading Patrick's review? Yes, I can. It felt like I was there, witnessing that magical moment. Oh, and I couldn't hold my tears while reading it. :') I think, Korean fans deserved this sweet surprise.
Libera also did meet and greet after the concert for signing. And boy, can you see the very long line for the signing? Wow!

Fans in St. John's. (Courtesy of Patrick)

Long line in Sejong Center. (Courtesy of Patrick)

People waiting for the boys. (Courtesy of Patrick)
It seems like nobody would leave before taking enough pictures. :) Click..click..click..

During Meet and Greet in Bundang. (Courtesy of Yuki)

Everyone and their gadgets. Click..click.. (Courtesy of Yuki)
We can say that the Korea tour was a success. Or in general, this Spring Tour in Asia was a big success. :D Congratulations, Libera! Hopefully, I can join Libera's next tour sometime somewhere. :)
Smile boys smile. You've done a fantastic job, guys! (Courtesy of eFM 1013 MainStreet)

Smile boys smile. You've done a fantastic job, guys! (Courtesy of eFM 1013 MainStreet)
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