Armagh Concert Announcement

26 Jul 2013

Another show has been announced by Libera. They will return to Armagh for a FREE concert at St Patrick’s Catholic Cathedral on Friday 9th August at 19:30. If you want to attend please give them a notice via e-mail

Alright, here is the most interesting part, they say the show will be FILMED for Christmas. Yes, filming! Does it mean that we will get a new DVD of live concert this Christmas? Holy mother of God! I can't even write a proper blog post just by thinking of the possibility of getting a DVD! All I know is, it will be a sweet sweet Christmas this year! Are you as excited as I am? DVD! Yay!

There's one thing. According to TCRfm, Libera will be singing in Tramore at 12 noon mass on Sunday the 4th of August in the Holy Cross Church, Ireland. Be there if you're around.

That's it for now. 
(Yay DVD!) 


  1. OMG! That's so exciting! DVD! Hardly keep myself from jumping all over the room. LOL
    Thanks for the info!

    1. LOL. MERRY CHRISTMAS, Mickey! :D
      I hope it really is DVD. Woo, I can't wait for it to happen!
