Tonight's concert in Guildford was one to die for. It was very special. There were FORTY-ONE boys singing. Imagine how powerful they were. Some older boys who missed the Asia tour were back, adding more power to low voice group. The funny thing is Liam who has been MIA for more than a year was also back to the stage tonight. Yay! As usual, I'm very happy to welcome the new boys in Libera. Can't wait to hear more from you, mini boys. Anyway, do you guys notice how many siblings are in Libera now? :)
There's a new addition to the set list, a song called I'm Dreaming Of Home. I thought it was a new song specially composed for Libera. But, apparently it's already exist in this world; it's a soundtrack of the film "Joyeux Noel". A beautiful song, though. I put the link below to give you the idea of how the song sounds like.

Marc Alvares, Shay Balsekar*, Henry Barrington, Anthony Blake, Ciaran Bradbury-Hickey, Gabriel Collins*, Jude Collins, Luke Collins, Liam Connery, Kavana Crossley, Thomas Delgado-Little, Dylan Duffy, Benjamin Fairman, Daniel Fontannaz, Alexander Gula*, Matthew Jansen, Anthony Kerr-Munley, Timothy Lee*, Isaac London, Alessandro MacKinnon-Botti, Matthew Madine, Eoghan McCarthy, Oscar McFall, James Menezes*, Michael Menezes, Alexander Montoro, Kuba Niedermaier-Reed, Cassius O'Connel-White, Matthew Rangel-Alvares, Carlos Rodriguez, Philip Russ*, Eoin Sherry*, Ralph Skan, Bertie Smart, Camden Stewart, Rocco Tesei*, Jamie Trinder*, Mark Ustynovych-Repa*, Michael Ustynovych-Repa, Sam Wiggin, Lucas Wood. (*newbies)
Musician and Staff
Musical Director: Robert Prizeman; Keyboards: Steven Geraghty, Joshua Madine; Clarinet and Recorder: Steven Geraghty; Percussion: Simon Roth; Strings: The Kinetic Strings; Lighting: Luke Avery; Sound mixing and production: Sam Coates; Stage management: Simon Lewis; Chaperones: Barbara Geraghty, Eleanor Lewis; Concert management: Steven Philipp, David Stephens, Andrew Winter.
Set list
Dies Irae - Ciaran BH, helped by Matthew J
Song of Life - Isaac L
Voca Me - Thomas DL
I Vow To Thee My Country - Matthew J, Dylan D, Thomas DL
Salva - Michael UR
Eternal Light - Lucas W
I'm Dreaming of Home - Thomas DL (Listen to it, HERE)
How Shall I Sing - Matthew J, Jude C, Lucas W
- Interval -
Myterium - Lucas W, supported by Dylan
Orinoco Flow
Far Away - Isaac L
Fountain - Matthew J, Thomas DL
Grateful Heart - Thomas DL, Michael UR
Ave Verum - Sam W
How Can I Keep
Stay With Me - Cassius OW
Glory to Thee - Eoghan M
Exsultate - Thomas DL
Encore: Libera

Josh Madine on keyboard.(Courtesy of Peer)
I love that the not-so-newbies started to take over the lead on some songs. I'll definitely miss the voices of Ralph, Stefan, and others. But, the newbies also offer many promising talents. Take Lucas Wood for example. I heard he did a brilliant job on his first solo and could sing really high too.
Although they brought 41 boys tonight, actually Libera didn't always sing with full choir. The ten newbies only sang on Gloria and Eternal Light in the first half, and then joined again with the rest on the last 3 songs and encore in the second half. Still, it's such a wonderful experience for fans to witness 41 Libera boys on the stage. I think every Libera fan now started to dream of having one. I hope they'll do it again some time in the future.
Overall, it seems like this concert was a huge success based on the impression that audience had: well-attended, efficient staff, very nice venue, beautiful lighting, and of course perfect performing. Woo-hoo! Happy to hear that. Also proud of the boys.
So, the Spring Tour 2013 is officially over. Thanks to Patrick, Yuki, Peer, and everyone for pictures and live news. And congratulations Libera on the successful tour. Now take a good rest, boys. See you on the next tour in Summer.
[UPDATE] PS: Find more pictures HERE.
OMG. "I'm Dreaming of Home" is so beautiful! I'm sure that Libera's version just gorgeous. Thanks for the review. :)
ReplyDeleteIt is very Libera-esque, don't you think so? :) Now I do really think that they should make a new album soon. Wanna hear the current soloists before they break their voices.
DeleteTotally agree with you. Boys grow up so fast.:)