St. Paul Concert

31 Jul 2011

Well, I heard that the concert was perfect, even more great than the first. Excellent job, boys! Oh yeah, Sammy and Liam are there. They missed the first concert because they've got a school trip to Poland. But, now they will be there until the end of tour. So glad that you both are back.

Thanks for Lexy who took this video. Ah, I'm happy to see those boys waving to the audience. You know, from the crowd noise and applause I know Libera boys have impressed the audience that night. Proud of you, Libera! Keep on going, guys. There are four more concerts. :)

To read some reviews of the concert, you can go to Libera Dream, French Forum, Mini Angels, or another fan forum, click here.

I'd love to get a comment from you, guys. Any suggestion? Thought? Idea? Or maybe critic? Please feel free to tell me at this comment box or email me at

Fox 9 News Interview

29 Jul 2011

There are four boys from Libera interviewed for Fox 9 News Buzz. I'm glad Josh was one of the boys who had interviewed. Oh lovely smile. The interview was quite fun and interesting like usual. Well done, boys. Thank you Jimmy Riddle for recording it.

The boys interviewed by Jason Matheson. I’m really happy that in fact people at the Starkey Gala were actually enjoyed Libera’s performing, even Libera is the most favorite one in the 5 hours show.
During the interview they talked about how they get in Libera, the favorite experience, their family’s opinion and support, and their music inspiration. All the boys answered all of the questions so well and very entertaining. 
 Kavana, Ralph, Cassius, Josh, and Jason.
Josh- He’s just still gorgeous and adorable. I didn’t see a big difference, except his deeper voice and got taller day by day. But overall he’s still the same. He still has the lovely smile on his face. I always loves the way he smile while he’s talking or singing.  
Cassius- He is the funniest one during this interview.  He seemed bit shy to answer the question, but it made him looks cute.  I can’t try to not laughing when the announcer asked him about his family’s reaction and his music inspiration. He made all of them in the studio cracking up. Oh, I like this kid. 
Ralph- He’s such a kind-hearted boy. I like the way he talked about his inspiration, Matt Bellamy. I saw the shining sparkles on his face. That’s so sweet. 
Kavana- First of all I’d like to say how I love Kavana’s haircut. Really cute on him. LOL. Seems Kavana got taller than before. Wow, boy, you grown up. 

Anyway, good luck for your concert tonight. I wish everything will be done well. Keep going on doing a fantastic work, boys!

Free Preview Christmas Album

EMI give us another exciting gift again. So, you can get free preview from Libera Christmas Album. The song is Joy to the World. 
Now you just should go to this site, then sign up and enter your details. The song will be sent to your e-mail. Then enjoy a great voice from Ralph and the rest of the boys in the song.  The harmony and balance. Everything is beautiful. Very impressive and amazing. Seems Christmas this year will not be the same for me.
Wow, thank you EMI. Thank you Libera for this. At least this will make the international fans very happy. Since they can't  enter the giveaway contest. Ah, you guys are so kind. Totally AWESOME! Looking forward to this album. It will be releasing on November 1st this year.

Related Post:
Christmas Album CD Cover
Libera 'The Christmas Album' CD Deluxe Edition?
Libera 'The Christmas Album' Preorder 
Winter Songs

Minnesota Concert

28 Jul 2011

OH MY JOSH!! I was like "Am I dreaming?". Josh Madine was there. He is BACK! More surprising he's still got the SOLO part. Awesome job, Josh. I'm very very happy. You know VERY HAPPY. LOL. 

We have 6 newbies on this tour, they are Thomas Delgado-Little, Ben Fairman, Isaac London, Matthew Madine, Michael Ustynovych-Repa, and Orlando Woschoiski. Okay, I know some of them are familiar with us, but they are still new being on the tour. Welcome guys! Sadly, there was no Jonathan, Stefan, and Mini James. Beside Stefan who has an opera event, did you have another activity in London, guys? Well, I miss you already. 

There are 28 boys on this tour - Henry Barrington, Tiarnan Branson, Jude Collins, Luke Collins, Kavana Crossley, Jakob De Menezes-Wood, Thomas Delgado-Little, Dylan Duffy, Ben Fairman, Daniel Fontannaz, Freddie Ingles, Matthew Jansen, Alex Leggett, Sam Leggett (Welcome back, boy!!), Barney Lindsell, Isaac London, Joshua Madine, Matthew Madine, Eoghan McCarthy, Cassius O'Connell-White, Benedict Philipp, Matthew Rangel-Alvares, Michael Ustynovych-Repa, Carlos Rodriguez Villegas, Ralph Skan and Orlando Woscholski.There should be Liam and Sammy at the concert, but people didn't spot tem last night eventhough they are on the list. Why? 

Credit to fan_de_LoK
The program for the concert. 

1. JUBILATE - Started by 5 singers: Ralph, Alex, Jakob, Barney and Carlos singing. Then chained with..

2. LIBERA - Solos by Eoghan and Luke. Ralph did the high parts at the end. 

*Speech - Barney and Cassius. 

3. SONG OF LIFE - Ralph sang the solo part accompany with Daniel and Kavana.

4. SANCTISSIMA - Solo by Ralph.

5. SANCTUS - Jakob sang the high parts and Luke sang the "Saaanctus" at the end.

*Speech - Kavana and Cassius.

6. ALWAYS WITH YOU - Freddie sang solo and Jakob sang the high part. 

7. ETERNAL LIGHT - This the best part ever. The solo sang by JOSH MADINE with his deep voice. And according to people, he was just SPLENDID as usual. Bring the emotion to the song. Auuuw, I wish I was there God. Oh yeah, then Ralph accompanied him. JOSH, YOU'RE THE BEST!

8. SALVA - Matthew R-A sang the high parts.

*Speech - Barney.

9. LAMENTIONE - Daniel, Jakob, Carlos, Ralph, Matthew J., Matthew R-A, Dylan, Eoghan, Barney and Freddie sang facing Mr. Prizeman.

10. EXULTATE - Solo by Freddie, Eoghan, Ralph and another boy.



12. MYSTERIUM - Ralph and Luke were sung solo part! Then chained with... 


*Speech - Cassius and Freddie.

14. THE FOUNTAIN - Solo by Ralph. 


16. STAY WITH ME - Daniel sang the solo and Matthew R-A did great work on the high parts.

*Speech - Sam.

17. AVE VERUM - Carlos did the solo with Jakob harmonizing.

18. LOVE AND MERCY - Cassius duet with Freddie.

19. GLORY TO THEE - Eoghan sang the solo at the beginning. Josh (again) sang on the last "Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost." YAY Joah! :))

*Speech - Jude and Ben Fairman.

20. HOW SHALL I SING THAT MAJESTY? - Eoghan, Jakob, Ben and Jude sang the solo parts.

*Encore - EXULTATE

There is no meet and greet like the Canada Tour. The conclusion is they did an AWESOME work at Basilica of St. Mary. Everything is magnificent. Congratulation, Libera and crew. Keep fighting for another concerts. I know you'll do the best as always. I love you Libera.

The most important thing for me is our lovely Josh was there. LOL. This made me my day. Such a wonderful day. 

Source: Mini Angels, French Forum, and Libera Dreams. Thanks for a great review :)

EMI Contest Giveaway

27 Jul 2011

Not only give us Free Download Song, but also EMI hold a Libera Prize Contest for celebrating Libera Tour. Today I receieved an e-mail from EMI US about this contest. Read the announcement below. 

Dear Libera blog moderator,
Hi!  I’m from the U.S. branch of EMI Classics (Libera’s record label), and I just wanted to let you know about a new contest we’re running to celebrate the Libera US Tour that starts tomorrow – the grand prize is an entire Libera discography (all CDs/DVDs the group has released) signed by the boys, and 15 secondary prizes of signed deluxe copies of Peace and posters of the group.  The contest web page is at and tour details are at Please take a look and spread the word!

If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to email us ( 

The EMI Classics US Team

As long as you live in USA and aged 13 years old and/or older, you can enter the contest. Sadly, it's for US only. Ugh, that's make me envy. LOL. That's okay, I know there will be another chance for me and you who live outside US teritory. 

Winners shall be selected at random from the valid entries submitted to Operator between July 25, 2011 and August 12, 2011. Winners will be notified by e-mail on or about August 17, 2011. For the complete detail click here

So, guys who live in US, be sure to take participation in the contest and don't forget to always spread the words. Good luck, guys! :)

Moody Radio Interview

Robert Prizeman, Kavana and Ralph were interviewed by Moody Radio. Thank you to Jimmy Riddle for recording it for us! Click the link down below to download it.

All over the interview is just the same with the previous interview they had. They talking about what kind of music they sing, when they joining the group, how many boys in the group, etc. But, it's always nice to hear the boys talk about that. They are such great speakers. Ah, last but not least I hope you have a wonderful time in US. Enjoy and fun!

I'd love to get a comment from you, guys. Any suggestion? Thought? Idea? Or maybe critic? Please feel free to tell me at this comment box or email me at

Libera Radio Interview

26 Jul 2011

Libera will be interviewing with Moody Radio today (July 26) between 8.00 - 8.30 am Central Standard Time (CST). They will be on Mark Elfstrand's "The Morning Ride" show. Check out the website here.

There is also another interview on Classical MPR with Steve Staruch. The shows airs at 3-6 pm CST. Visit the web by click here.

It will be great if someone will record it and post it on somewhere, so that everyone could enjoy it too. But I don't know the exact date. 

Thank you to Lexy who shared the information with us. 

Starkey Gala

25 Jul 2011

Yeah, yesterday Libera performed at Starkey Gala. Libera was the first on stage. They sang Song of Life, Ralph led the solo part. You can see a short video of them here. Libera also sang For Kids as back up singers with John Rich. Well actually I hope someone will post another longer video of them, you know with Libera singing in it. There are 3 more short videos of them, click hereOh My Josh! I think I saw Sam Leggett and someone who looks like Josh Madine on that clip. Is that really JOSH? Does he come to USA for real? Please, someone tell me that I'm right. Oh, I hope I'm right. Really, I can't wait to find out this. Oh, please July 27 come faster!!!!! :)

But, I'm glad that this event get successful. All tickets are sold out. They raised over $7.2 million. Wow, that is awesome. Such an honour for Libera to take part in such a big charity event like this. Congratulation to Libera, all peformers and supporter at this Gala. (All of the pictures credits to Starkey Hearing Foundation.)

Libera singing Song of Life

Libera singing with John Rich

New Christmas Album

21 Jul 2011

Libera has been announced a NEW CHRISTMAS ALBUM that will be releasing soon. Uhhm, so that rumour all this time has been revealed, unless the Filipino part because it seem this would be an international one. If you remember my previous post, you'll understand what rumour I've told here.

So, if I made no mistake, this is the very first Christmas album they released since they named Libera. Wow, I can't wait for this. I'll do anything for grab this album. I swear.

By the way, here is their post on the official website, include a picture of the boys and the recording tools.

"We have been very busy recently.  Of course we have been preparing for our forthcoming USA tour, but we have also been recording a NEW ALBUM.  This will be a first for Libera, because it is a Christmas album - and it is due for release later in the year.

So please look out for more news of this soon!"

Related Post:
Christmas Album CD Cover
Libera 'The Christmas Album' CD Deluxe Edition?
Libera 'The Christmas Album' Preorder
Winter Songs

Free Download Songs

15 Jul 2011

For celebratiing the USA tour, EMI is giving us 5 free songs. Wow, thank you so much Libera and EMI for this gift.

"Join Libera and EMI Classics as we celebrate the US summer tour with this 5-track sampler of Libera's greatest hits."

Visit this site to download these songs below for free.
1. Sanctus 
2. Love and Mercy
3. Orinoco Flow
4. Going Home
5. Far Away

If you do not yet have those songs, please download it from the link above. Don't forget to share this by giving the link to everybody who doesn't know Libera yet. This is one way to introduce their wonderful music and get more fans.
All big thanks to Jimmy Riddle for sharing this great information. Hmmm, I adore you, Jimmy. LOL.

Preparing for A Tour

12 Jul 2011

Today there is a new blog post about the tour preparing. You'll love this post. Smart writer. I love the way he described all of their activities they do for a tour. So good. :)

"As you might be aware, we are going on another tour soon.  For most of us, we have the end of term to get through first, and many rehearsals on the side, followed by a whirlwind of last-minute packing!
Rehearsals for a tour are usually quite intensive; hours of practice for both music and choreography are the backbone of our stage show." Read more..

Daaaaaang!! I felt very happy and excited when I was looking this picture. Because Josh was there and it means he is not yet leave Libera. Can you see the fourth boy from right? That's him. BUT, then I realized that the picture is the one that took last year. Auuww, I am really disappointed.

Well, though I am still very happy and excited to hear the boys work hardly for this tour from singing practice to dress rehearsal. I don't know before that how hard the practices are, even they spend their weekend for rehearsal. Thank God, they still had fun in their rehearsal time. Happy boys! :)

Tiarnan, Mini Ben, Barney, Henry, Cassius, Matthew, JB, and Liam.
Looks tired, but still focused.

I really love and enjoy to read this blog. Quite interesting and funny. I love this part: "I practice in the shower, and my parents show their appreciation by telling me to be quiet as they’re watching T.V." They really loves singing, even they are practicing in the shower. Hahaha, I am also loves to sing when I take a bath and do another bathroom activities. Yeah, you know, I am actually a bathroom singer.  LOL. 

I also love this part: "We always find that all of us are always missing something on tour, from toothbrushes to T-shirts!". Hahahha..OH BOY! Please, please, be diligent for your packing activity too. LOL.

Oh My Josh!! After read this, I am becoming soooo excited for the tour this year. I really really appreciated their hard work and effort for preparing the show. Boys, you know, I believe that you'll be great and perfect as always when the show go on. Hey, Libera guys, KEEP FIGHTING!!!

For y'all who will be attended their concerts, prepare yourself to get the perfect show from the boys. Anyway, don't forget to KEEP SPREAD THE WORDS!!! Remember, their tour is only a few weeks away. Let's make this tour more crowded than ever. YAY!!

Let's Help Libera

10 Jul 2011

Guys, please, do not forget to TELL everyone you know that Libera is coming to USA. Invite your mother, father, brother, sister, granddad/mom, friends, teachers, and everybody to see their concert. Let's make sure the tickets for the whole concert will be SOLD OUT. So, you can do a simple thing like share the video below to your families and friends by post on facebook, twitter, or e-mail. Visit Official Libera on Youtube to get another videos. You can also use the poster and flier to promote their tour to anyone. Yes, let's help Libera to announce their coming to USA. It's time for us to be great messengers for Libera (Messenger? Is that a right term? Really I have no idea. LOL.). But, for sure I know we can make it. Keep spread the words!!! 



Thank you for Lexy who posted those posters/fliers on her blog. To get another posters and fliers for another venues, please click here.

Announcement - Tickets and Starkey Foundation Gala Awards

9 Jul 2011

Finally Libera announced the whole information about their USA Tour. Ah yeah, they also have a really GREAT news for us. Watch out!!

Official Libera:
At last - we are able to confirm details for our forthcoming USA tour.  We are sorry for the delay which was caused by difficulties obtaining USA Visas. (That's okay, guys. Really!)

We are very glad to be able to confirm that our venue in St Louis will be the fantastic Cathedral Basilica. We are delighted to be returning to this wonderful place.
For ticket information please see our events page. (Or you can go straight to Hurry up! and grab yours.)

Additionally we are thrilled that we have been invited to participate in the prestigious Starkey Foundation Gala Awards Ceremony on 24 July, in the presence of President Bill Clinton. For more information see the Gala Website. (AWESOME!!!)

Wow, that is really wonderful news, guys. This is a kind of charity event. The gala will be held at The RiverCentre in St. Paul-MN on July 24. Libera will perform along with another world singers like Miley Cyrus and many more. You can see them below.

Ah, proud of you, guys. I think it's a BIG chance to get their music more familiar to many people. It is like a promotional event for Libera. YAY!!! Let's make Libera's World just get bigger and wider.

USA Tour 2011 Poster

7 Jul 2011

I'm not sure that this poster is an official one or not, but finally they already made one. This is a poster for St. Louis concert. I really love the colors. Pretty. It matches perfectly with those pictures they used on it, especially the robes and the church. Oh well, I just noticed the sentence at the top line, I love how they put the word sensation in that sentence. Yeah, they are sensational indeed. Hear them sing always give us a great sensation for each person. Right, right? Uhhmm...I hope Libera will be releasing the official posters soon. Anyway, thanks for Lexy who shared it on her blog.

St.Louis Concert Venue

6 Jul 2011

The venue for St. Louis concert has been announced. Although Libera is not yet announce it, but all BIG thank you to Jimmy Riddle for sharing this information. Wow, you did it AGAIN. How did you know all that information? You amazed me. Okay guys, I updated it on my post before. Click the link below.

Christmas Album for Filipino?

5 Jul 2011

This morning I just heard a news from a thread in Libera Dreams Forum. So, elemental7 (a member from Philippines) heard from a PolyEast Record employee that they will release a Libera Christmas album this September in Philippines. Anyway, click here to read the thread. Well, I don't know it is just a rumor or not. But we all know according to Jimmy Riddle that Libera just having a photoshoot last Saturday in London. I don't know this is related or not. But, this is an exciting news. I'm hoping we'll get something new from Libera. I just can't wait.

So, get ready Filipino fans. We don't know that this news is true or not. Just in case, you should be prepared from now on. For this album or MAYBE a tour? Okay, now, we'll just have to wait until we get an official announcement from Libera themselves.

Miracle of Life on E Morning Japan

4 Jul 2011

So, there is a little announcement from EMI Japan. A show named "E Morning" will introduce Libera, in this case they will talk about Miracle of Life. Oh yeah anyway, there will be a comment video from Libera, I don't know what it is but we'll see. The show will air on Tuesday July 5th, at 10:57 AM local time. This is a program from a TV channel called TV Tokyo. It is their official website.

This is a really good opportunity for Libera to promote their music to all Japanese. Libera need to spread their wings widely. I know, I know, Libera sales are strong in Japan, especially Miracle of Life. It got so much good impression from many people. On Amazon Japan this album placed Top 10 sales in Classical section until now. FYI, they got first place for four weeks on the Japan Billboard Classic section a few months ago. Wow, GREAT!!! See this image below for the proof.
Credit to fan_de_LoK

So, all Japanese fans over there don't forget to watch that show tomorrow. It will be good if someone will record it and share it with us.

Hey, guys, until there is no one upload the video about this show. But thanks to Yuki Bol who wrote about it on her awesome blog, Dear Libera. The comment video I mentioned before is the same one with this. Last, Libera officially will be back on April 2012 to Japan. YAY for Japanese!
Another Japanese blogger who also posted the details about it. Check her blog, here. Thank you Hagy for pictures and everything you did.